Dony Cheng Hung


Installation view of solo exhibition at Gallery Exit, Hong Kong.
“Finding Rest on Highway” 2024

If we only observe the lights: the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the unstable light sources had us transform them into more efficient versions of city lights. To be efficient, one of the most common practice, is borrowing the idea of drawing a straight line - to connect two points at the shortest distance. Any curved lines would be a waste a time or effort.

如果僅觀察我們世界中的光:太陽、月亮、星星,這些不穩定的光源, 誘發了城市的光的產生,成為更高效率的光源。追求效率的其中一個常見做法,是借用畫一條直線的概念 — 以最短距離連接兩點。任何曲線都將是浪費時間或精力。

If we only observe the shadows in our world, the shadows of animals, plants, us, we look alike because of our organic forms. Without functionality, shadows seem to capture some of purest aspects of things. From the start of us using straight lines, building walls, windows, had introduced rigid lines for shadows. Soon we live in the world of straight lines.

如果僅觀察我們世界中的陰影: 動物、植物和人類,我們因共同擁有有機型態而看起來相似。陰影沒有太多功能性,似乎能夠捕捉到事物最純粹的一些方面。從我們開始使用直線,建造牆壁、窗戶開始,就為陰影引入了剛性線條。很快,我們就生活在直線的世界中。

To travel from one point to another, drawing the line in the shortest distance in the city, we have tunnels and highways. When the only meaning between connecting two points is merely connecting two points, the time spent in between became obstacles.


Inspired by the curved lines, the lines built for motion and changes, a “road” differ from highway: “A road is a tribute to space.  Every stretch of road has meaning in itself and invites us to stop.” To stop between a straight line is to create rhythms/ motions, it is our natural state of having a curvy shaped- shadow sip through and escape the pattern.

受到曲線的啟發,一條顯示運動和變化的線:一條“道路”,它有別於高速公路:“道路是對空間的致敬。每一段路都有其獨特意義,並邀請我們停下來。” 在直線之間停下來是為了創造節奏,動感,或改變,這是我們具有曲線形狀的自然狀態,讓陰影穿過並逃離這種模式。